On the 12th, I headed out to Michigan to do a solo scouting trip of sorts. This was supposed to be part of our joint trip but cancellations and massive flooding at Voyageurs National Park caused us to change our plans. Since I had a week more vacation scheduled than Carri, I decided to come and explore in hopes we can reschedule the full trip later.
Mackinac Bridge spans the gap between Michigan’s thumb and the Upper Peninsula. Basically, on the west of the bridge is Lake Michigan and Lake Huron is on the east. Between the day and night photos I was up at Painted Rocks National Lakeshore.
Old Mackinac Point Lighthouse State Park
Clear Day
Flock of Flies
Passing Ship
Clear Sailing
Too Bright Moon
Mackinac Bridge
By Moonlight
Cinematic Crop
Cinematic Crop and Monochrome